Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Author/ Illustrator Project

Kathryn Otoshi
Author and Illustrator

Kathryn Otoshi’s Life
Kathryn Otoshi is a Japanese-American children’s writer.  She was born in 1967. Both of her parents were in internment camps at some point in their childhoods.  Otoshi grew up in the suburbs of Southern California. Being Japanese-American was not easy, but Otoshi said she was not picked on any more than the other students were. In an interview, she said she does remember one girl in particular who was bullied by other students.  In her newest book, Otoshi sends a message out about bullying. Several of her books focus on parts of her heritage and childhood experiences.
Otoshi now lives in San Francisco.  Before she became a writer, she was a Graphic Designer and Multimedia design Specialist at George Lucas’ Industrial Light and Magic (Star Wars). Along with her career as an author and illustrator, Otoshi currently works at Imagemovers Digital, which is Robert Zemeckis’ famous film company. 
Kathryn Otoshi’s Work
Kathryn Otoshi has written four books of her own. These books include, What Emily Saw, Simon and the Sock Monster, One, and Zero.  Otoshi has also illustrated three books (The Saddest Little Robot, Marcello the Movie Mouse, and, Maneki Neko: The Tale of the Beckoning Cat). Her illustrations are done using watercolor paint. She has won numerous awards including the BAIPA’s Best Children’s Book Award, the Writer’s Digest Award for Best Children’s Book, and the Hollywood Book Festival Award.  Kathryn Otoshi also visits schools to share her books and is often a guest speaker. She also has her own website, kokidsbooks.com.


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